Best Ways to Show Your Digital Art

As a digital artist, getting your work noticed can be both exciting and challenging. With so many ways to share your art online, it can be tough to know where to start. Yet, showcasing your digital art has never been easier or more crucial.

Whether you're just starting out or you've been creating digital art for years, finding the right platforms and strategies is key to reaching more people and making a connection. The right showcasing methods can significantly enhance the visibility of your art and your success as an artist.

Let us walk you through simple and effective ways to showcase your digital art. From using social media and personal websites to creating teaser videos and participating in exhibitions, these tips will help you get your art seen and appreciated. 

Here’s a list of fun and creative ways to share your work with the world.

What is the best way to share art?

The best way to show your digital art is online, as it offers unparalleled reach and longevity. With the internet, your art can be seen by anyone, anywhere in the world, at any time. Once you put your work online, it can be discovered by new audiences for years to come.

This includes social media, dedicated platforms for digital artists, and online art communities – these spaces provide excellent opportunities to showcase and sell your work as they allow you to present your art in a visually appealing and professional manner, connect with fellow artists, receive feedback, and engage with potential buyers.

The online world makes it easier than ever to share your creative vision and build a global following.

Tips for Showcasing Art on Social Media and Digital Art Communities

  • Create a professional profile: Ensure your profile picture, bio, and portfolio links are polished and professional.

  • High-quality images: Ensure your images are high-resolution and well-presented.

  • Detailed descriptions: Provide detailed and engaging descriptions for each piece.

  • Consistent posting: Regularly share your artwork to keep your audience engaged.

  • Showcase your process: Share behind-the-scenes looks at your creative process to build a deeper connection with your audience.

  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, participate in art challenges, and collaborate with other digital artists.

  • Active participation: Engage with other artists’ work by leaving constructive comments and participating in discussions.

How do you show people your art?

Every artist should have a personal website as a central hub to showcase their art. A personal website provides a professional space where you have complete control over how your work is presented, allowing you to highlight your style and vision. It’s an excellent way to share a portfolio of your pieces, write about your creative process, and tell your story.

Additionally, a website can serve as an online store where you can sell prints, merch, and digital downloads directly to fans. You can include a contact form to make it easy for potential clients, galleries, or collaborators to reach out to you, facilitating new opportunities.

Tips for Showcasing Digital Art on Personal Website

  • Portfolio section: Showcase your best work in a well-organized portfolio.

  • Blog: Share insights into your creative process, upcoming projects, and personal stories

  • Online store: Sell prints, digital downloads, and merchandise directly to your fans.

Inquire about how we can work together to create a beautiful website for your art!

For your inspiration: This is my personal website where I highlight my writing and curatorial work!

How do I present my artwork?

Teaser videos are a fun and exciting way to show off your digital art and get people excited about what's coming next. By giving viewers a sneak peek or behind-the-scenes look, you can capture their attention and make them curious to see more.

These videos not only highlight your artistic skills but also let you share a bit of your personality and storytelling. It's a great way to connect with your audience on a more personal level and keep them engaged with your creative journey. Additionally, these videos can be easily shared across various platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, helping you reach a wider audience and generate buzz around your art.

For example, when you’re launching a new digital art series, you could create a teaser video showing:

  • A time-lapse of your digital drawing process.

  • Close-ups of intricate details being added.

  • A dramatic reveal of part of the final piece.

  • Background music that matches the theme of your art.

End the video with text or a voiceover saying, “Stay tuned for the full reveal on [date],” and provide links to your website and social media.

Tips for Creating Teaser Videos for Digital Art

  • High-Quality Production: Ensure your video is high-resolution with clear audio. Use good lighting, smooth transitions, and professional editing to make your video stand out. Using tools like FlexClip can really boost the editing and production quality of these videos. They help artists create polished and professional content without needing a ton of technical know-how.

  • Short and Sweet: Keep your teaser videos concise. Aim for 15-60 seconds to maintain viewer interest and maximize engagement.

  • Engaging Content: Show snippets of your art creation process, quick glimpses of finished pieces, or sneak peeks of upcoming projects.

  • Sound and Music: Use background music that complements the mood of your art. Make sure it’s not too overpowering but adds to the overall experience. Consider adding voiceovers to explain your work or share interesting facts.

  • Call to Action: End your video with a call to action. Encourage viewers to visit your website, follow you on social media, subscribe to your newsletter, or stay tuned for the full reveal.

  • Cross-Promotion: Share your teaser videos across multiple platforms to reach a broader audience. Utilize Instagram Stories, YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and even embed them in your email newsletters.

  • Engage Your Audience: Ask for feedback or run contests where viewers can guess what the final piece will look like. This can foster a sense of community and increase engagement.

For your inspiration: See the teaser clip we’ve created for Christoph Gromer’s digital artwork

How can I share my art without social media?

Sharing your art without relying on social media is entirely possible, and one of the most effective ways to do so is through an email newsletter. An email newsletter lets you connect directly with your audience by sending updates about your latest work, sneak peeks at new projects, and exclusive content.

By building an email list, you create a community of fans who are genuinely interested in your art. In your newsletters, you can share beautiful images of your pieces, talk about your creative process, and share the stories behind your art. It's also a perfect place to announce exhibitions, sales, or special offers.

Plus, email feels more personal, and because people have signed up to hear from you, you know they're excited to see your updates.

Tips for Starting an Email Newsletter

  • Offer a Freebie: Attract new subscribers by giving them something special for signing up; a digital download like a fun wallpaper.

  • Regular updates: Send out newsletters consistently, whether monthly or weekly.

  • Exclusive content: Offer subscribers exclusive previews, discounts, or behind-the-scenes content.

  • Personal touch: Write in a friendly and engaging tone to build a personal connection with your readers.

Join our newsletter to receive curated art, updates, and opportunities from the digital arts world to your inbox.

How do I showcase my artwork?

One great option for showcasing your artwork is to submit it to exhibitions and open calls. These are fantastic opportunities to display your art in galleries or online shows, allowing you to reach a wider audience and gain more exposure.

Whether it's a local art fair, a themed group exhibition, or a prestigious art competition, participating in these events can help you connect with art enthusiasts, collectors, and fellow artists. Not only does this give your work a physical or virtual space to shine, but it also adds credibility to your portfolio and can lead to valuable networking opportunities.

Plus, being featured in exhibitions can help build your reputation and open doors to future exhibitions and collaborations. Collaborating with other digital artists or brands can introduce your work to new audiences. 

Tips for Showcasing your Digital Art in Exhibitions

  • Find the right opportunities: Look for open calls for exhibitions that fit your art style. Check out local galleries, online platforms, and artist groups for chances to show your work.

  • Show your best work: Choose your top pieces to submit and make sure your images are clear and well-presented. This helps your art stand out.

  • Get involved: If you can, attend the exhibition’s opening or any related events. It’s a great way to meet other artists and get feedback on your work.

  • Stay in touch: After the event, reach out to people you met and keep the connections going. It can lead to more opportunities and help you stay active in the art community.

How do I exhibit my own art?

Digital artists can take it to the next level by showcasing their art by hosting their own virtual exhibitions. Platforms like Spatial let you create cool, interactive galleries where people can explore your artwork in a virtual space.

Consider designing your own virtual gallery, where visitors can wander through and get up close with your pieces just like in a real exhibition. It’s a fun way to present your art in a fresh, engaging way and reach art lovers from all around the world. Plus, you get to be the curator and create an experience that’s totally unique to your style.

For your inspiration, check out our most recent virtual exhibition – We’ve been dreaming about a magical jungle was Digital Arts Blog’s official pavilion at The Wrong Biennale 2023-24 and we showcased 11 artists’ digital work at the virtual gallery space. We’ve decided to present the works in a camp fire setting in a forest to highlight the theme of the show.

You can get very creative with virtual exhibitions! They are a fantastic opportunity to share your work in a dynamic setting and connect with people in a new and exciting way.

Tips for Showcasing Digital Art in a Virtual Gallery

  • Professional presentation: Ensure your digital art is presented in high resolution and with detailed descriptions.

  • Interactive elements: Incorporate interactive elements like virtual tours or live Q&A sessions to engage your audience.

  • Permanent show: Given that you’re not renting a physical gallery space, you can showcase your art at your online gallery indefinitely.

For your inspiration: Check out Digital Arts Blog’s most recent virtual exhibition

Let us show your art!

Getting your work featured in digital publications and blogs can significantly boost your visibility and let you reach a wider audience. It’s a great opportunity to share your art with people who might not have seen it otherwise.

To get started, simply reach out to art magazines, blogs, and online publications that align with your style and interests. Digital Arts Blog is only one of them – submit the form to apply for a chance to get featured!

Don’t hesitate to send a friendly email introducing yourself, sharing some of your best work, and explaining why you think your art would be a great fit for their audience. You might also offer to do an interview or write a guest post about your creative process.

Being featured in these digital spaces not only helps you connect with art enthusiasts and potential clients but also adds to your credibility as an artist.

Tips to Get Your Digital Art Featured in Publications

  • Press kit: Prepare a professional press kit with high-quality images and a compelling artist statement.

  • Pitch ideas: Pitch unique story angles or exclusive content to editors.

  • Follow up: Build relationships with journalists and editors by thanking them for features and following up with new projects.

Apply to get featured on Digital Arts Blog.

Showing your digital art effectively is all about using a blend of digital strategies to get your work out there. By using social media, setting up a personal website, and connecting with digital art communities, you can reach more people and grow your art career.

The key is to stay consistent and be true to your unique style. Keep sharing your passion and creativity, and you'll build a strong presence and connect with a wider audience.

We share works by digital artists as well as digital arts exhibitions, events, and open calls daily on Instagram — follow us for more and subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss new blog posts.


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