Virtual Exhibition: No Beginning No End

Exhibition on view:
1 July – 31 July, 2023

by Loop Art Critique
Loop Lab Cohort 4.0


No Beginning No End by Loop Lab 4.0 is live through July 2023

No Beginning No End by Loop Lab 4.0 is live through July 2023

Critique plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality and depth of one’s art. Through thoughtful analysis and constructive feedback, artists are able to gain new perspectives, refine their skills, and push the boundaries of their creativity. No Beginning No End is a virtual exhibition that’s result of valuable critique amongst Loop Lab’s fourth cohort.

When subjected to critique, artists are challenged to consider alternative approaches, experiment with different techniques, and grow from their perceived limitations. By embracing critique, artists not only refine their craft but also develop a deeper understanding of their own artistic voice, resulting in a vibrant and ever-evolving art landscape.

Loop Art Critique is conscious of the value of this phenomena — the experimental art residency is based in critique. Loop is in partnership with The MUD Foundation, a 5o13c non-profit organization focused on art and technology, and is sponsored by artist Ariel Baron-Robbins.

Artists that have been accepted to the residency give each other feedback through a series of critiques led by a moderator. The Critique Club members join an exclusive Discord channel to participate in private discussions within the community.

No Beginning No End by Loop Lab 4.0 is live through July 2023

No Beginning No End by Loop Lab 4.0 is live through July 2023

No Beginning No End features artwork by the fourth cohort of the lab. Five digital artists develop ideas and present new works that takes advantage of the critique and reviews by talented peers while representing an investment in exploration without the pressure of an outcome. Here’s the featured artists.

Avani Patel creates paintings that invite the viewer to wander through a universe of color and pattern in motion — she creates a world of energy in music that’s manifested in visual form. She is inspired by Indian performance and music, and sees her paintings as rhythmic performances with music which create a new language of abstract harmony

Clayton Campbell is an artist and cultural producer based in Philadelphia, U.S. His practice includes various visual productions and digital art, arts writing, stage design, curating, arts administrator, and artist residency programming. He began working digitally in 1995 when he received the first Sony digital camera and has been developing work in the past years using applications that include experimenting with Photoshop Beta Generative Fill, Dalle E 2, early versions of Glitch, Glitchshop, Photoshop Camera, Lightroom Classic, Gigapixel AI, and Luminar AI.

Read our interview with Clayton Campbell to learn more about his background, art, and inspirations!

No Beginning No End by Loop Lab 4.0 is live through July 2023

Denis Rovinskiy is a visual and sound artist from Russia who is currently based in Miami, Florida. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Florida International University, and has exhibited works at Miami International Fine Arts Gallery, The Laundromat Art Space, Bortolami Gallery, and more. Rovinskiy’s art examines the social, political, and cultural undertones of color theory via interactive kinetic installations and performances, audiovisual art, experimental photography, and sculpture.

Pietro Leddi, who creates under the alias Rullampo, is a 2D Animator and illustrator based in Italy. He holds a graduate degree in Communication Design from Politecnico di Milano and a graduate degree in Graphics from Accademia di Brera. He creates colorful cartoon animations, trippy music videos, and more.

Ibuki Kuramochi is a Japanese-born interdisciplinary artist who is currently based in Los Angeles. Her work has been exhibited in galleries and museums in New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Paris, Sydney, Taipei, and Rome. She incorporates the Japanese modern/contemporary dance Butoh, performance, video, installation, and painting in her art and explores concepts around the body, the resonance of thought and body, metamorphosis, cyborg feminism, and post-human feminism.

Read our interview with Ibuki Kuramochi to learn more about her background, art, and inspirations!

Make sure to visit the virtual exhibition through July 31st to see the collection!

No Beginning No End by Loop Lab 4.0 is live through July 2023


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