Exhibition: Machine Hallucination: NYC

Exhibition on view:
November 2nd, 2021 - January 17, 2022

Refik Anadol

439 W 15th St
New York, NY

Machine Hallucination: NYC by Refik Anadol at ARTECHOUSE

ARTECHOUSE in Chelsea has been the home to "Machine Hallucination: NYC," a visionary creation by acclaimed new media artist Refik Anadol. Known for his groundbreaking work in melding machine intelligence with artistic expression, Anadol has crafted an immersive environment that delves into the past and potential future of New York City using publicly available data.

At the core of Machine Hallucination: NYC is an algorithm that learns and interprets the evolving silhouette of New York City over time. This data-driven approach not only predicts future architectural landscapes but also transforms them into surreal, dreamlike visualizations—what Anadol refers to as the “hallucinations of a machine.” Familiar yet distorted, these digital renderings provoke contemplation on the intersection of human memory and artificial intelligence.

The interactive nature of the exhibition goes beyond passive observation. Visitors unwittingly contribute to the dataset through their uploaded photos, influencing what the AI “dreams” and creating a shared collective memory. This participatory element raises philosophical questions about perception and reality, challenging viewers to reconsider their understanding of the world around them.

Machine Hallucination: NYC by Refik Anadol at ARTECHOUSE

While the visual impact of Machine Hallucination: NYC is profound, the exhibition's sonic landscape falls short of complementing its immersive visuals. A more robust sound design could elevate the experience, enhancing the emotional and sensory engagement for visitors.

Additionally, clarity in the creative process is crucial for deeper appreciation. Although poetic in its descriptions, the exhibition could benefit from more explicit explanations of how the data was curated, the algorithm refined, and the artworks generated. Behind-the-scenes insights would provide context and foster a greater connection between the audience and Anadol's innovative approach.

Exclusive to on-site visitors, the collection of 1000 unique experiential NFTs adds another layer of exclusivity and emotional investment to the exhibition. This strategy not only supports economic incentives for the artist and venue but also creates a sense of FOMO for those unable to attend, potentially driving further engagement and interest.

Machine Hallucination: NYC by Refik Anadol at ARTECHOUSE

Machine Hallucination: NYC by Refik Anadol at ARTECHOUSE


Founded in 2015, ARTECHOUSE is a new media art venue dedicated to experiential art, science, and technology. It’s located beneath Chelsea Market and offers immersive art experiences using high-megapixel projections and hyperreal and spatialized sound technology. 

The innovative art platform creates, produces, and presents technology driven exhibitions and pioneering digital art. ARTECHOUSE also works as an incubator that allows technology focused artists to create and show their work without limitations while inviting visitors to enhanced experiences of this new type of art.

About the artist

Refik Anadol is a Turkish artist whose data-driven creations utilize algorithms to craft dream-like environments at the intersection of art, science, and technology. By employing machine learning and architectural projections, Anadol transforms digital data into mesmerizing dynamic artworks, turning walls and facades into living canvases.

Anadol’s biggest inspiration is fluid dynamics — He uses generative algorithms and custom softwares to create his signature art, a mesmerizing fluid-like representation of data, which he calls “Machine Hallucinations.” When he asks the AI to interpret given data, audiences get immersed in a captivating dream of a machine.

Anadol's installations challenge the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds, prompting audiences to rethink technology's role in shaping our perception of reality. Through his innovative use of digital media, Anadol creates immersive environments that blur the lines between art, architecture, and digital ethereality, offering a vision of the future of artistic expression.

Machine Hallucination: NYC by Refik Anadol at ARTECHOUSE

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