10 Digital Artists: Poetry in the Digital Age

10 Digital Artists: Poetry in the Digital Age

Poetry in the digital age brings together the analog and digital worlds of text, incorporating poetic expression into various artistic media and bringing it out of the ordinary. Through the use of digital tools and platforms, poets and artists alike are transforming the genre, disrupting the linearity of text to create meaningful spaces where the poetic emerges in new and unexpected ways. Here is 10 of the best artists who are making waves in the world of poetry in the digital age.

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10 Digital Artists: Women’s History Month

10 Digital Artists: Women’s History Month

Honoring Women’s History Month with brilliant digital art by female creators, we’re celebrating these artists who are reshaping the landscape with their creativity, innovation, and mastery of technology. Here’s a list of talented women who create fascinating works of digital art and experimenting with digital collage, 3D animation, AR art, and more.

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10 Digital Artists: The Reign of Generative Art

10 Digital Artists: The Reign of Generative Art

Generative art is blurring the boundaries between human creativity and computational algorithms. Here’s a list of 10 talented digital artists, or creative coders, that create beautiful artwork that evolve and self-generate based on given set of rules.

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