Artist Interview: Rose Forsyth Jackson
Rose Forsyth-Jackson is a multidisciplinary artist born and raised in the Blue Mountains in Australia. She combines traditional techniques with modern technology to create dynamic and colorful pieces that span across painting, wool felting, and photography as well as digital art.
“I create art that explores the themes of identity, our connections to nature and spirituality in this ever evolving world, with the multitude of new technologies we have available to us.”
Rose has always been drawn to incorporating her love of nature into her art. Over the past few years, she has exhibited her work in galleries and shows all around the world including London and New York City.
We asked Rose about her art, creative process, and inspirations.
Digital Art by Rose Forsyth Jackson: For the days of old
Can you tell us about your background as a digital artist? How did you get started in this field?
I came to digital art through the most non-digital art practise ever; I started as a fibre artist, utilising the techniques of wet and dry felting. In 2020 I was mainly making commission pieces, which was fun but I felt like it kind of kept me limited in my expression of creativity so I started to explore new ways I could share/sell my art which lead me down the path of discovering digital techniques.
Digital Art by Rose Forsyth Jackson: Ghostgum
What inspires your art? Are there any particular themes or subjects that you enjoy exploring through your artwork?
It feels cliche but nature is a major theme I explore. I’m interested in how detached humans have become from one of our most basic connections. Nature provides us with everything we could need, and I like to explore this theme of nature as a spiritual realm. It spans all my work, from fibre art to digital, to painting and my photography practise. My work reflects all that I find interesting or am exploring in my life; spirituality, self love, motherhood, past lives, human connection, the pure magic of this world.
Digital Art by Rose Forsyth Jackson: How light can be solid
Can you tell us about some of your favorite pieces? What makes them special to you?
My favourite pieces often have a special memory attached to them. One of my favourite pieces is ‘Sun Flow’ which I created in 2021. It sold on secondary to a person that I really admire and look up to, and it was just a really affirming moment.
I also find collaboration pieces really special! I have been blessed to have collaborated with some really amazing people; Linda Dounia, Santiago Marquez, theVerseverse, Orfhlaith Egan and more! All of those artworks have added meaning and a special place in my heart.
For 2024, I am turning my attention to my abstract painting, both physical and digital. I’m really looking forward to showing some of this new work over the next few months, if a little nervous to share more parts of myself. Being vulnerable is a tricky business, but one of the most important parts of being an artist, in my opinion. To create art as a service to others is to be courageous and open in showing the realness of the human condition.
Digital Art by Rose Forsyth Jackson: Still from Sun Flow
What is an event which you consider a milestone in your digital art career?
Finding Hic Et Nunc was the biggest milestone, as I found that place I was searching for to share and sell my work. It propelled me forward in a way that nothing else ever has.
Also having some of my work auctioned through a major Chinese auction house, in a live in person auction, was a huge milestone for me. That felt really exciting.
Digital Art by Rose Forsyth Jackson: The warmth of the earth
What is a fun fact about you?
I am never doing just one thing! As well as making art, I curate a little store of vintage homewares, I make flower essences and have two kids, which is a full time job in itself!
Digital Art by Rose Forsyth Jackson
What would we most probably find you doing if not creating art?
You will find me in the kitchen. Making bread and cakes is my relaxation activity, if I’m stressed, or sad, or overthinking, I will make a cake to bring me back to centre. I live in an incredibly beautiful places, that I appreciate now that I’m not a bored teenager living in a small-ish town. So you might also find me, bushwalking, splashing in creeks and finding crayfish with my kids. Or in the garden with my veggies and flowers. Did I mention I’m never just doing one thing!!
Digital Art by Rose Forsyth Jackson: when the light falls on your face