Artist Interview: Aleksandra Stevanovic

Aleksandra Stevanovic is a graphic designer and digital collage artist based in Serbia. Her art is deeply inspired by the life we live, focusing on themes of unfulfilled dreams and inner wishes. The artist seeks to spark imagination and positive thinking in a world often filled with stress, encouraging viewers to reconnect with their inner child and embrace optimism.

Over the past two years, Aleksandra has expanded her expertise using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign to design catalogs, books, and magazines, while completing her education at the IT Academy. Through her digital collages, she aims to offer a refreshing perspective, inviting others to explore their dreams and aspirations.

We asked Aleksandra about her art, creative process, and inspirations.

How to cultivate our feelings

Can you tell us about your background as a digital artist? How did you get started in this field?

Since my childhood, I have shown some creativity. Most of all, I wanted to find myself in the world of artists, however, due to some other circumstances, that was left aside. 

The World Is Beautiful

When we had the quarantine around Covid, I saw an ad for the IT Academy, and that was reason enough for me to somehow enrich myself with design-related knowledge. 

We were given the task of making a collage poster for the theater, the topic was our choice. That's when I realized how great my love for collage art is. I simply cannot describe that feeling of freedom. We turn all our imagination into a work of art, a work that tells a story, provides a different view of the world and the people around us. 

Dog In Suit

What inspires your art? Are there any particular themes or subjects that you enjoy exploring through your artwork?

My themes are mostly inspired by the life we live. We all have some of our unfulfilled dreams, wishes that we keep inside and secretly hope that they will come true.

My wish is...

How do you begin a new digital collage piece? Do you start with a specific idea in mind, or is it more spontaneous?

The idea for the collage somehow comes to me spontaneously. In fact, I start with an idea and then it all turns into a kind of spontaneity. I love music, so it is often my inspiration for a work. 

Sunny day

Can you tell us about some of your favorite pieces or a past or upcoming project? What makes them special to you?

I am most attached to the work "Peace not War". It was among my first works. There I presented today's reality, the pain that breaks us into pieces, because of the situation in the world...but also the hope for a better tomorrow. 

Peace Not War

Through my works, I want to awaken people's imagination, some positive thinking, because today it is rare to have optimistic people, everyone is somehow under stress and I simply have the feeling that they have lost that child in them. 

Music and me

What else fills your time when you’re not creating art?

I am the mother of an eight-year-old girl, who is also very creative and loves to draw, so she is all my time in the world. 

Be strong

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